Dustin’s Famous Brussel Sprouts



Dustin’s Famous Brussels Sprouts

  • Author: Adrianne Argumaniz
  • Prep Time: 15min
  • Cook Time: 40min
  • Total Time: 55



Brussels Sprouts- cut in half

Olive Oil

1/2 stick Unsalted butter



Salt Pepper

Garlic Salt

Balsamic Reduction


To prepare your brussels sprouts wash and cut in half.

Coat them in olive oil, garlic salt, salt and pepper. Toss.

Lay down a sheet of foil. Place coated brussels on foil.

Drizzle with balsamic reduction to taste.

Fold foil into a “boat”.

Cut butter onions and garlic into pieces and place in boat.

Bake on 400F for 40 minutes.

Keywords: brussels sprouts

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brussels sprout cooking foil boat

xoxo, Adrianne
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